Monday, November 25, 2013

Lesson 7: Deviance and Conformity

This man has two stigmas: the fact that he is homeless and that he is a member of a minority group. Unfortunately, in the eyes of society, this devalues him from normal social interaction. 

The people on this mural followed positive deviance, because within their context they were very deviant, but eventually they were labelled heroes because of the actions they took. This reinforces the idea that deviance does not mean inherently bad, it just means they deviate from the norm.

Transsexuals are labelled as deviant in our society because they do not follow the pattern of "male" or "female". This person participates in Deviance Avowal, where the individual self-identifies as deviant and labels his or herself. This is one way of managing stigma in one's favor. 

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